Mail order services
You don’t have to be local to Barras Blades for us to provide you with sharpening services
All of our services are available via mail order to anywhere in the UK or the world if you want.
Order process
Select what you want from below and click the checkout button to the bottom right
Fill in extra details for the items so we can tailor out services to your needs. We might be able to change cutting angles etc to improve performance
Fill in your details and pay by your chosen method
You will get an e-mail showing your order number. This is important
Package your goods up safely for more details look at our Mail in page
Include your order number and return address
Even better print out the e-mail and put it in with the goods
Put our address on the outside along with a return address
Barras Blades
Skene Croft
Leys of Barras
AB39 2UE
Send it to us using a reputable courier like Royal mail, DPD, DHL. If you have a tracking number please send it to us.